Welcome to Toddlerville! You know, the point where your laid back baby enters the phase of his life where he wants it his way or no way! I guess we are still pretty lucky. We have only had two meltdowns that lasted longer than 5 seconds...but geez, are they not fun! While Toddlerville does have it's not so fun moments like tantrums and meltdowns, there are always more good moments than bad, which I will focus on today. Maybe because they are happy moments or maybe because I am trying to forget about Caleb's minute long meltdown at the Chiropractor's office yesterday!
Funny Toddler Moment Number 1:
Because it is hot outside, I am starting to pick Caleb up with a juice box in the evenings. We have a long ride home and I learned this trick because there would be days where we would be 10 minutes in to our 30 minute ride home and Caleb. Must. Have. Water/Juice. NOW! And who could blame him, he had been running around in 90+ degree weather for the past 30 minutes. Anyways, yesterday on the way home, Caleb had finished his juice box and I looked back at him and he was letting his sock monkey drink the left overs. I made some slurping sounds, at which, Caleb promptly began to crack up. I love the things he thinks up in the car. (Another favorite is saying "bye bye" to the cars we pass, singing, and sharing his paci with his stuffed animals....usually putting it to the animal's mouth, but I have caught him putting it by the animal's behind before...and laughing at himself)
Funny Toddler Moment Number 2:
I love the fact that Caleb is starting to sing. Usually he will sing the last word of the phrase really loud and not say much of the first, but instead will dance around and anticipate the words he knows/the last words of the song. This Funny Toddler Moment would go better with video...
Funny Toddler Moment Number 3:
Anytime we see a black SUV, Caleb yells out "DADA!!!!" and points to the car. Stephen drives a black 4Runner and I think it is sweet! However, he will do that even when we are in the 4Runner or if he is with Stephen! Silly boy!
Funny Toddler Moment Number 4:
I drove up to daycare the other day and the kids were all playing outside on the playground. He saw me drive up. Make a surprised face and pointed at me with both hands, before running to the gate saying "Mama! Mama! Mama!!!"
Funny Toddler Moment Number 5:
Caleb's face when he eats a lemon. Enough said.... And he always wants more....
Those are just some of the things that make me laugh. I know there will be more in the fun phase of life called Toddlerville....
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