Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Big Boy

In the past month, Caleb has really turned in to such a big boy. Time seems to have doubled this month. He is now in a big boy bed, no paci, got his hair cut at a big boy barber shop (and finally liked it. I think the children's place was overwhelming for him with all the distractions!), he is talking better, and we bought him some big boy underwear.

Saturday when we were at Target, I decided to pick up a pair to let him work towards it. Well, he kept talking about it, so last night I let him wear them for a little over an hour. He did great and stayed dry! He even went pee pee on the potty right after he took them off. The first words out of his mouth this morning when he woke up were "UNDERWEAR! UNDERWEAR!" I felt bad because I had to tell him no since he was going to daycare...I am sure they appreciated the fact that I didn't make his first full day in underwear when he was on their watch! I did let him pack a pair, so maybe he will get to wear them a little today....we will see. If not, he can try again tonight. I really don't think I am ready!!! Caleb has literally grown up in just one month with all these new things. It is so sweet to watch him grow. He amazes me with the new things he ASKS to do. I always heard it was hard to change to a big bed and I thought going #2 in the potty was torture for toddlers!?! My toddler, I mean big boy, disagrees! Way to go, Master Caleb!


  1. Look at your big boy! Yay Caleb... so handsome.

  2. It truly goes by way too fast! I can't believe how big he looks here... and big boy underwear?? WOW!!! :)
