Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Big Boy

In the past month, Caleb has really turned in to such a big boy. Time seems to have doubled this month. He is now in a big boy bed, no paci, got his hair cut at a big boy barber shop (and finally liked it. I think the children's place was overwhelming for him with all the distractions!), he is talking better, and we bought him some big boy underwear.

Saturday when we were at Target, I decided to pick up a pair to let him work towards it. Well, he kept talking about it, so last night I let him wear them for a little over an hour. He did great and stayed dry! He even went pee pee on the potty right after he took them off. The first words out of his mouth this morning when he woke up were "UNDERWEAR! UNDERWEAR!" I felt bad because I had to tell him no since he was going to daycare...I am sure they appreciated the fact that I didn't make his first full day in underwear when he was on their watch! I did let him pack a pair, so maybe he will get to wear them a little today....we will see. If not, he can try again tonight. I really don't think I am ready!!! Caleb has literally grown up in just one month with all these new things. It is so sweet to watch him grow. He amazes me with the new things he ASKS to do. I always heard it was hard to change to a big bed and I thought going #2 in the potty was torture for toddlers!?! My toddler, I mean big boy, disagrees! Way to go, Master Caleb!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Snow Day

Well, Caleb had his first snow day where school was cancelled! We got out a little early on Thursday and had all of Friday off. When I found out Brenau would be closed, I immediatly began envisioning showing Caleb how to make a snow angel and making a little snow man for Caleb, since he loves snow men! Only, our "snow day" was not like that. In fact, we hardly had any snow! We mainly got ice. Caleb did love the snow this year. We went out and played in it a little before it started to stick. By Friday morning, the ground was white, but had ice over it and we had single digit wind chills all day long with heavy winds. Not much fun to play in. Instead, we made a big pot of Chili, which Caleb is a fan of, and watched lots of TV, played inside and stayed warm. It was nice to have a long weekend after we had so much time off at Christmas...it helped break us in the the whole working and school thing a little easier.

Looks like this will be a full week of work...BUT...another perk of working for a University is that I have next Monday off for MLK day!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I'm baaaccckkk!

I am a horrible blogger! Before I started my blog, I would randomly think of great blog posts and tell myself to start a blog. Now that I have one...I have bloggers block!

Here is a recap of the past 3 weeks....
Caleb's last week of school and my last week of work were spent at home. Poor little man had a minor case of pneumonia, wheezing, a double ear infection and a high fever. The doctors tested him for the flu, which came back negative, but they treated him for it just in case. Lots of medicines and breathing treatments later, he is much better and was healthy in time for Christmas.

Speaking of Christmas...we had a wonderful one. It was so fun this year with Caleb. He had an Elf visit us every night starting on Thanksgiving. We named him Buddy. Every morning Caleb would look around for Buddy...I think Caleb's favorite spot that Buddy hid was around his soap bottle in the bathroom. Santa was very good to Caleb this year. He brought him a train table and wooden train set! http://www.facebook.com/TamiWLee?v=app_2392950137&ref=nf#/video/video.php?v=513337142475 try this link...it may not work.
This was Caleb's reaction to seeing his train table for the first time. I would say he was a tad bit excited!

Caleb also decided that 2010 would be the year for the Big Boy Bed! We converted his crib on New Year's Eve and haven't looked back. He really amazes me at how he adapts to change. He did great without a paci and hasnt once cried, gotten out of bed when he wasn't supposed to or fallen out of the bed! (Ok, so the last one is sure to happen at some point...what kid DOESN'T fall out of bed?) I am so very proud of him for being such a big boy. I guess we will tackle potty training before too long, but I will said that I haven't had to change a dirty diaper in over three weeks because he has only gone #2 on the potty!! YAY for Caleb!

I started back to work yesterday after three weeks off. I was thankful to not be too far behind and back in a routine...but I missed being home something terrible! I missed being able to straighten up the house a little each day so I dont have a messy house...and have to spend this weekend cleaning. Boo for that! We also STILL have to take Christmas down...which we will tackle slowly this week and finish this weekend...I hope!

I hope that you will all have a Happy 2010!! I will TRY to be a little better about blogging....but, don't hold me to it! :)