Monday, January 11, 2010

Snow Day

Well, Caleb had his first snow day where school was cancelled! We got out a little early on Thursday and had all of Friday off. When I found out Brenau would be closed, I immediatly began envisioning showing Caleb how to make a snow angel and making a little snow man for Caleb, since he loves snow men! Only, our "snow day" was not like that. In fact, we hardly had any snow! We mainly got ice. Caleb did love the snow this year. We went out and played in it a little before it started to stick. By Friday morning, the ground was white, but had ice over it and we had single digit wind chills all day long with heavy winds. Not much fun to play in. Instead, we made a big pot of Chili, which Caleb is a fan of, and watched lots of TV, played inside and stayed warm. It was nice to have a long weekend after we had so much time off at helped break us in the the whole working and school thing a little easier.

Looks like this will be a full week of work...BUT...another perk of working for a University is that I have next Monday off for MLK day!

1 comment:

  1. He is adorable. Such a little boy...

    Glad you got to spend some time together!
