Friday, April 30, 2010

Out of the Mouths of Kids

I love funny things kids say. The conversation last night at dinner with Caleb was no exception.

The scene: Dinner table. Fussy Caleb who has just finished a growth spurt...therefore, he wants to eat nothing. He starts to play with his food, so we take it away.

Stephen: Caleb, don't play with your food at the table. Mommy worked very hard to cook this meal for us, so just try a bite.
Caleb: NO! I want down. EXCUSED?
Tami: You can't be excused until Mommy and Daddy are finished.
Tami: Do you want your food back?
Caleb: NO! I want to cry!

I love it how he would rather cry than eat. (Yes, that was sarcastic....) But, his statement really did make me laugh!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Smartie pants

I guess I am writing this blog more for documentation. BUT, I am so proud of Caleb! He knows and recognizes ALL of his letters with the sounds they make. I can't believe it! He will be reading before I know it! He sounded out the word "NOAH" at a restaurant the other day. 2.5 years old and "read" his first word!

He also sat through the play that Stephen and I have been working on, "Noah and the One Way Ticket." He LOVED all the music and especially loved the animals. His favorite was the dog! He sat in his seat and danced as each song came on...and in some cases, even sang along!

He is growing up so fast and amazes me every single day! He seems like he might be a soccer player one day. He loves to kick the ball! I know nothing about soccer, but I have to say that the little guy has some good form when kicking that ball...especially when he kicks it hard, complete with sticking out his tongue!

Oh, and he has a fascination with the trash man and dumpsters. He LOVES Friday mornings because he gets to go outside and watch the trash man. The trash man now looks for us when he makes his stop at the house and always waves and says hello to Caleb. It totally makes Caleb's day. I admit, I will be so proud, even if he decides he wants to be a trash man when he grows up! ;)

Monday, April 5, 2010

He is Risen!

If I could describe a perfect Easter Sunday, I would list every second of our day yesterday. It really was perfect. Every moment from the excited look on Caleb's face when he came downstairs to see his Easter Basket to concluding the evening outside under the stars with wine and snacks was absolutly amazing. God sure did provide a beautiful day for Easter this year!

I do believe that Caleb is very fond of the Easter Bunny. Where many kids start to kick and scream, Caleb was in awe! We went to Lake Lanier Islands for their Easter Brunch this year and the highlight for Caleb was the fact that the Easter Bunny walked around the room where we ate lunch. Any time the Big Bunny was semi-close to the table, Caleb would shout out "Come Here Easter Bunny!!" He hugged the bunny, gave him high fives and enjoyed all the Easter Eggs that were given to him. Dare I say, that Caleb might like the Easter Bunny better than Santa?

Spring has certainly arrived and we have enjoyed it...except for the darn bumble bees and pollen that has already turned everything in sight yellow! We have been eating outside, playing outside and we have even already brought out the swim suits to play in the sprinkler. is already that hot in Georgia. Today, the high is 86! Here are just a couple pictures from our weekend.