Monday, April 5, 2010

He is Risen!

If I could describe a perfect Easter Sunday, I would list every second of our day yesterday. It really was perfect. Every moment from the excited look on Caleb's face when he came downstairs to see his Easter Basket to concluding the evening outside under the stars with wine and snacks was absolutly amazing. God sure did provide a beautiful day for Easter this year!

I do believe that Caleb is very fond of the Easter Bunny. Where many kids start to kick and scream, Caleb was in awe! We went to Lake Lanier Islands for their Easter Brunch this year and the highlight for Caleb was the fact that the Easter Bunny walked around the room where we ate lunch. Any time the Big Bunny was semi-close to the table, Caleb would shout out "Come Here Easter Bunny!!" He hugged the bunny, gave him high fives and enjoyed all the Easter Eggs that were given to him. Dare I say, that Caleb might like the Easter Bunny better than Santa?

Spring has certainly arrived and we have enjoyed it...except for the darn bumble bees and pollen that has already turned everything in sight yellow! We have been eating outside, playing outside and we have even already brought out the swim suits to play in the sprinkler. is already that hot in Georgia. Today, the high is 86! Here are just a couple pictures from our weekend.