Thursday, June 10, 2010

So I won't ever forget...

Caleb, you really do make me laugh every single day. Here are a few tidbits of things you have said or done lately that have made me laugh:
  • I love how you say sunglasses. "Mommy, I need my funglasses!"
  • You got your toy phone out the other day and called up your girlfriend Kate and said "Hey Kate! You gotta go potty?"
  • I was making dinner the other night and told you that you would need to play by yourself in the living room or watch tv. As I was letting the water rise to a boil, I came and sat down next to you on the coach. You immediatly pushed me over and said "No Snuggle, Mommy! You go cook dinner!"
  • You have a silly laugh that you do when you have forgotten to do something. For instance, last night you used your fingers instead of your spoon to eat your peas. When I told you to use your spoon, you did your silly laugh and said "Oh yeah!" with your hands out to your side. It is the same response every time and I love it!
  • Sometimes your daddy and I will be talking at the dinner table and you will all of the sudden say "No talking Mommy! Listening ears!!" I think your daddy put you up to it, but he swears he didn't!
  • You still love the trashman. He is the first person you thank God for every night when you say your prayers. (and you usually thank God for the trashman at least two or three times each night.)
  • I love how you lay out all your animals across your bed every night. You are allowed to pick one out (this is after they started to keep you up at night, and when we asked you to go to sleep you said you couldn't because your animals were awake). After you pick out one animal, you put the rest in your chair and tell them to all snuggle with each other. (snuggling is your THING! You are very good at it!)

  • Every red car you see is Ms. Melinda's car.

  • You love to hide, but you always give yourself away. If you want to play hide and seek, you usually see your daddy and will yell out "Hide! hide!" Sometimes you hide somewhere, others you stand really still in the middle of the room with your eyes closed and your hands over your eyes. As soon as someone says "Where's Caleb?" You pop out and say "HEEEEEEYYYY!"

  • I love to watch you dance! You have some great moves!

  • The other day, you accidently put two legs in the same leg hole of your pants. You were very upset by it. (When i told you how to fix it, you did the silly laugh and said "oh yeah!")

  • When you get very excited to tell someone something, your words just can't keep up with you. You can tell a whole story in about 10 seconds, but none of the words can be understood. But, you have the most excited look on your face and you will be pointing all around to tell us about the exciting thing that just happened.

I know there are so many other moments I could write about. I will have to just write them down as they happen because it really is every day that you say or do something that cracks me up. This post wouldn't be complete without the following picture that Ms. Nyssa sent to me from school. You were hot and sweaty, so your teachers spiked up your hair and wanted to take a picture. When they told you to smile, here was your response:

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