Tuesday, January 25, 2011

So happy to be home!

Caleb has been full of one liners lately, so I just had to get them down in blog-form. By the way, hello everyone. Long time no blog. I blame our house flood, but in reality, that probably has nothing to do with it. We have moved back in, though. Now we are in the process of cleaning. And cleaning. And cleaning. Love the new flat un-textured ceilings. Hate the dust!

Anyways, here are a few one liners from Caleb:

Me: (As we are passing the Processing plant yesterday...and it smelled worse than normal) Ew. It stinks today!
Caleb: (He sniffs) EEEWWW! It IS stinky today. Does someone need to go potty??
A few minutes pass... Caleb: I think a train back there went potty. He made it stinky!

Explaining to Caleb that we get to bring Lucy home tonight, as she has still been at the condo because we are getting our stairs stained. Caleb: Yay! Lucy can come home now because it wont rain on her inside anymore!

The other day in the car, we heard a train's whistle. Caleb: Hurry Mommy! I need you to hurry so I can see that choo choo train! (as we were stopped still in traffic).

Every time we went to see progress on our house. Caleb "I like the new (fill in the blank)!" Literally everything he saw, new or old, he liked!

Caleb to me a little while back when I was wearing a vest with (fake, no worries, PETA) fur on it: Mommy, I like your shirt. You look just like a dog!!" (He was so proud, too!)

We had to get a shower curtain yesterday. As we passed a toy section, every item Caleb saw he wanted. (typical child! ) Well, he would make the same comment. "OHHHH, Mommy! I like that toy. I wish I could have it!" (emphasise the WISH part when reading!)

As a man with a white beard passed us the other day at Home Depot: Caleb: Mommy! Look it's Santa Claus! Here at Home Peepo!"

That is all you get for now. I REALLY need to get these down on my blog as soon as he says them. I always forget by the time I sit down to write!!

OH! How could I forget!? Caleb actually read his first sentence a couple weeks ago! He has been learning words. He loves to read his friend's names. Well, he kept talking about his teacher's dog the other day named Tucker. So I taught him how to spell it and then put some words together that I thought he might know. He read it. Here he is with his first sentence! :) I am so proud!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! Tiny reader! And guess what? This Katie has a dog named Tucker, too. Weird! He's such a smart (and funny) little guy. Glad y'all are safely back at home.
